Kartra Whisperer Concierge Services
Kartra Concierge Services

Want to achieve success faster with Kartra?

Kartra is a fantastic all-in-one platform capable of providing almost everything you need to thrive as an online business.

Create stunning landing pages and content pages.

Implement simple or insanely complex sales funnels.

One of my favorite features is email sequences. Write a short or long series of emails that go out at intervals you set. Perfect for short courses delivered by email or as part of your sales strategy.

More compulsive!

Write emails and broadcast them when inspired. Many of the successful markers I follow, such as Dave Dee, Kim Walsh Phillips, and Ray Edwards, send out email every day.

Add in membership sites, video, help desks, payment gateways, affiliate programs, and a growing ability to create gorgeous websites, and you have a very powerful marketing toolbox.

Comparable platforms include InfusionSoft, Kajabi, and ClickFunnels. All great platforms that do similar things.

Many Moving Parts

With Kartra and all of the other platforms, there can be a lot of moving parts. You may have seen sales funnels graphed out that make your head spin.

And sometimes, it takes some time to figure out how to get the parts to work together.  

One stumbling block is connecting a sales funnel with a product. You need to complete the two separately, then connect them.

I was a beta tester for Kartra and have had experience with most of the features and quirks.

Kartra Whisperer Services

There are many ways I can help you with your projects:

  1. Coach you through the subtleties to do it yourself.
  2. Work with you to implement Kartra components that you need.
  3. Do it all for you.  

Tell me what you want to achieve, and I will design and build a Kartra solution for you.

Working with WordPress and Social Media

As much as I love the page design capabilities of Kartra, I prefer WordPress for content. The blogging, categories, and search capabilities of WordPress are excellent for putting out a lot of content.

I write a lot of content for many different websites and integrate with Kartra and Social Media to create effective campaigns.

To Your Success

No matter where you are at in implementing Kartra into your business strategies, I can help you achieve success faster.

Tell me about your project.

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