Greg Dixon has combined superpowers with Niche Domination expert Roy Dickan and writer and presentation coach Betty Withrow to provide everything you need to boost your online presence and effectiveness.
We help you boost sales!
Share Your Stuff with Pages, Courses, Copywriting, and Kartra ++
Greg Dixon has combined superpowers with Niche Domination expert Roy Dickan and writer and presentation coach Betty Withrow to provide everything you need to boost your online presence and effectiveness.
We help you boost sales!
A biologist can take a square foot of garden or land almost anywhere on earth and spend an entire lifetime studying all of the organisms and how they work together.
Some scientists may pick a single species and devote all their research to it.
Others are more interested in the interactions that create a thriving ecosystem.
The same perspectives come into play with your business.
Often you will hear advisors say things like ‘niche down’ or ‘do what you do best’.
All good as long as you know the entire success ecosystem for your business.
You need to be aware of what needs to be done, even if you don’t do it yourself.
If you are just starting out, you will have few options other than doing it yourself, so you will at least need to create a roadmap that includes all of the elements.
Otherwise, you are looking at the bees without considering the flowers.
Without the sunshine, soil, and flowers, the bees will go extinct. Some believe that if the bees go extinct, humans will soon follow.
What does your business ecosystem look like?
What success elements are missing?
Here are the main components for success if you are offering a course or membership online.
One mistake many make when offering products and services is not doing enough to attract clients and customers.
Here are some things to try:
Consider your return on investment of time and money with all things.
Do more of what is working for you, and less of what is not.
Keep moving and aim for progress every day.
There are many things that I am very good at, such as business platforms such as Kartra , video, writing, and course creation.
However, my true superpower comes from seeing the business ecosystem and helping with many of the elements of success.
Let’s have a conversation about what you offer the world.
Together we can plan and launch your success.
Business traffic specialist Roy Dickan and I have combined our superpowers to offer Total Traffic and Conversion to amplify your business.
Roy increases your online presence and creates traffic. I use business tools like Kartra to create landing pages, sales funnels, memberships, and online courses to convert the traffic to customers and clients.
We offer free Total Traffic and Conversion masterclasses on Wednesdays to learn some of our secret sauce.
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